Heart Burn

Heartburn, also called acid indigestion; pyrosis; stomach acid or acid stomach, is described as a burning chest pain that begins behind the breastbone and moves upward to the neck and throat. Most people suffer from heartburn at one time or another. This condition may last as long as two to three hours or it becomes worse, after eating. Smoking, caffeine and alcohol may increase the level of acid in the stomach, causing even more heartburn.

Heartburn pain can also be mistaken for a heart attack or heart disease. But, there are major differences in between the two. Usually heartburn pain is not associated with any physical activity, while exercise can increase the pain resulting from heart disease or the onset of a heart attack and rest may temporarily relieve the pain. Chest pain from hiatus hernia and/or esophageal spasms may be extremely difficult to distinguish from chest pain of cardiac origin. <Read More>

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

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