Breast Tenderness

Breast tenderness is a perfectly normal side effect of estrogen therapy--particularly in postmenopausal women who have not been exposed to estrogen for many years. It should settle down within 2-3 months of therapy. Other causes of breast tenderness can include excessive use of caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate; fibrocystic breast problem, which actually tends to get less after menopause; engorgement with milk, which can be seen in post menopausal women with thyroid problem, with the use of tranquilizers and other medications, and with pituitary (brain) tumors; blood clots in the veins of the breast; and long standing problems of breast.

Many women, who have not ovulated in a long time have not experienced such symptoms for a while, are surprised at the subtle and sometimes annoying signs of ovulation. Breast tenderness is often the first symptom of pregnancy but would not occur before the missed period. Diagnostic tests: A mammogram is usually performed if the woman is over 40 years old. If a lump is found that is not clearly benign, a breast biopsy may be necessary. <Read More>

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love4ever said...

wow, umm do you know anything about chest pain. when i put pressure on my left breast my chest hurts
as if though its my heart
and when i laugh or breath heavily
my sister has the same thing but the doctors just told her to ice it because its from stress, so i dont want to waste my time going to the doctors

HerbsMD said...

I would you suggest you to consult your health care professional.

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