Dental Disease

Dental problem, or gum problem, is a bacterial Problem created due to harmful organism of the gums, ligaments and bone that support the teeth and anchor them in the jaw. The bacterium, which acts mainly on certain carbohydrates in our diets, are normal inhabitants of the mouth, living in a thin film called plaque. If this plaque is left undisturbed, it may eventually harden into tartar, a hard mineral shell. When plaque builds on the tartar surface, it irritates and erodes healthy gum tissue. This early stage of dental/periodontal problem is called gingivitis. If left untreated, pockets begin to form between the teeth and gum tissues.

The stages of Periodontal problem are as follows:
Gingivitis is the earliest stage, and affects only the gum tissue. At this stage, the problem is still reversible. However, if left untreated, it may lead to a more severe condition.
Periodontitis is the more advanced stage of periodontal problems. The gums, bone, and other structures supporting the teeth become damaged. Teeth can become loose and fall out or may have to be removed. At this stage, the problem requires more complex Favorable Effects to Beneficial Effects tooth loss.
Advanced Periodontitis: In this stage the gums recede further and separate. Pus develops and bone loss continues as a result of which teeth may loosen or fall out.
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