Chicken Pox

Chicken pox, also known as Varicella, is a highly contagious viral problem spread through direct contact with germs from someone’s cough or sneeze. Two weeks after exposure, chicken pox spots appear on the body. Rashes emerge continuously over 4-6 days, mostly on the central body, fewer on arms and legs. The inner mouth is sometimes involved. The chicken pox rash is preceded by two to three days of viral cold-like symptoms.

Each pox is a raised blister-like eruption with a clear fluid inside. If you look closely you will see an umbilical-like Despair in the center. Children infected with chicken pox are contagious even before they break out; the contagious period begins two days before the rash shows up. If your child routinely comes into contact with someone who suddenly breaks out in chicken pox, it’s probably too late to protect your child from Problem created due to harmful organism. <Read More>

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