Alopecia (Hair Loss)

Alopecia is the gradual loss of hair across the top and sides of the scalp. This is a hereditary condition that can begin as early as the late teens. It can range from a slight thinning of hair overall, to complete baldness. Around 40% of men will have some hair loss by their mid-30s. Baldness usually begins with overall thinning of the scalp hair and "receding hairline" starting at the forehead. Concurrently, hair may thin at the crown creating the equally familiar "bald spot." Hair at the top of the head may remain thin indefinitely, or there may be just a fringe of hair left around the back of the head and above the ears.

Women can also suffer from Alopecia, but in general are more likely to experience overall thinning of the hair. In males, hair loss occurs on top of the head and in the temple areas of the scalp where as in females, hair loss usually occurs only on top of the head. After menopause, nearly 60% of women experience some thinning of their hair. Alopecia affects about 30 million men and 20 million women in the U.S. each year. <Read More>

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